Chocolate FAQ

How can you tell if you have “good chocolate”?

Try a really good chocolate, its all about taste. You will just know. It’s potent and fresh, not waxy, with a fresh, rich, dark taste. A satisfying taste. You don’t need a large quantity, even a small amount of the good stuff stays with you. In short, you don’t know what good chocolate is until you have tried it.

What’s the best way to keep chocolate?

Dry and cool, but not cold. It compromises the filling. Chocolate is meant to be eaten at room temperature. Colder temperatures can cause condensation to occur and therefore water droplets formation. Moisture is the enemy; humidity has to be controlled at all times. Best storage area would be in a wine fridge. Moisture is a killer to good chocolate. Ultimately, with fresh chocolate, the sooner you consume it, the better. It begins to lose its flavor as soon as it is made, like a pastry. Little by little, it loses its flavor. Some people like chocolate just out of the fridge because of the “crunch”, but the complexity of filling flavors is lost.

How long can chocolate last once it is purchased?

A couple of weeks. “Buy a few and come more often” is suggested. The difference in taste is so great, once you have tried fresh chocolate you will forever know good from bad chocolate.

How many is a good amount to buy?

Depends on if you are willing to share. We had one person who claims to have eaten 20 pieces in one evening. We recommend assorted box of 9 for one person or 20 piece box to share.

What is the best way to eat chocolate?

Eat with the eyes first. Take a bite so you can see what is inside. As a professional, Patrick likes to take a round examination for analysis of the layering. For those who want to know, the chocolate should not have cracks and be uniform texture and color. When a chocolate contracts at the bottom and becomes concave it does so because it has lost its moisture. A close look will give a good indication of freshness.